If there's one thing you need to know about Uptown,
it's that change is coming
The Urban Advisory talks to us about developing Uptown's community vision.
The City Rail Link (CRL) has the potential to transform the Uptown precinct. Rapid and frequent trains, a new Mt Eden station (we prefer to call it Uptown Station) and 100,000m² of land available for future development will bring more people to live, work and hang out in Uptown. That’s why the Uptown Business Association has launched a drive to base future development plans on solid pillars. These are:
"We want new developments to revitalise the whole precinct, to embrace diversity and to be planned with the community, including local businesses, right from the start. We are now networking with locals and decision-makers to make the case for a truly inclusive city fringe development project – a project that strengthens the old, delivers innovation and connects the two together."
That networking is a key part of the Urban Advisory's role. We've begun a community visioning process to include current and future residents, workers, business owners, iwi, local institutions and other stakeholders in the completion of the vision. An initial survey of 290 Uptowners delivered some strong ideas on on what they thought was important:
The overall theme was that what exists should be supported to grow, while creating a truly urban village in Uptown as a distinctive and creative destination.
Uptown has an amazing, colourful and diverse past. We feel privileged to be a part of the community effort to make it's future even more amazing, colourful and diverse.